LIFT UP: Learning Innovation for Future Transformation · Unlocking Potential

Teachers and corporations are looking for upskilling resources focused on Life Skills. A perfect series for seasoned, new, or future leaders and those individual contributors who will also lead organizations at every level.

It is a journey, first of self-discovery, then building on skills and competencies that engage and inspire people to reach their potential, and finally, applying skills that produce sustainable, high-performing teams and inclusive cultures.

Leading Myself Series

My Success Drivers

Understanding personal engagement at work requires exploring your emotional connection with your work, as well as your strengths, stressors, motivators, and values.

Action Toward Accountability

Owning your behavior to commit to action vs. blaming or feeling victimized, developing an empowerment mindset.


Developing emotional intelligence at work; recognizing the critical skill areas and attitudes that strengthen resiliency.

Leading Others Series

Building Cohesive Teams

Understanding others’ drivers: strengths, stressors, motivators, and values, to rely on their integrity, ability, and character effectively.

Delegating Work Effectively

Unlock your leadership potential by learning effective delegation strategies. You will learn to demonstrate emotional intelligence, establish clear communication channels, and effectively train and develop your team.

Work and Managing in a Virtual Workplace

Collaborating in a remote team.

Coming Summer 2024

Creating an Inclusive Culture

Recognizing unconscious biases; understanding gender differences; working cross-generationally.

Coming Summer 2024

Additional Courses