Education Solutions
LearnKey Courseware Powered By GMetrix

Getting Started with LearnKey in Your Classroom

LearnKey Courseware Powered By GMetrix

EDUCATE your class with current curriculum. EMPOWER students with online resources. GUIDE students to help them reach their goals.

LearnKey hosts live weekly webinars. Visit the dashboard on your GMetrix admin portal for links, dates, and times.

For details on individual programs and courses, visit the Education Solutions page

Setting Up Your Classroom

Learn how to set up your classroom to assign your courseware.

Using the GMetrix Study Guide

Learn how to access and use the personalized study guide feature in GMetrix.

Accessing Teacher Support Files Within the GMetrix Admin Portal

Learn where to find and access instructor resources in GMetrix.

Understanding and Setting Up GMetrix LTI Integration

Learn how to integrate GMetrix courseware into your school's preferred LMS.

How to Pull Student Reports

Learn where to find and access student reports in GMetrix.

How to Use the Student Workbook

Learn how to help students access and use student resources in GMetrix.

Chromebook Compatibility for 365 Apps Courseware

Learn about the courseware and the options students have when using a Chromebook.